PERNIKAHAN BEDA AGAMA (Tafsir Tematik Alquran Tentang Hubungan Sosial Antar-Umat Beragama Karya Muhammadiyah)


  • Fahma Maulida Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam KH. Muhammad Ali Shodiq
  • Achris Achsanudtaqwin STAI K.H Muhammad Ali Shodiq
  • Rif'atur Roifah STAI K.H Muhammad Ali Shodiq


Interfaith Marriage, Thematic Interpretation, Muhammadiyah


Interfaith marriage is no longer a new issue and is still interesting to study. This research is a type of literature research. While the research model is qualitative research and uses the comparative-analysis method for data analysis. After conducting the analysis, it was concluded that the sources of interpretation used by Muhammadiyah when interpreting the verses on interfaith marriage include: The Qur'an, hadith, companion and tabi'in narrations, reasoning (ijtihad), previous books of interpretation, and fiqh books. The method of interpretation used by Muhammadiyah is the thematic method with the style of al-A>da>b al-Ijtima>'i (social-community). While the validity of the interpretation of the verses of interfaith marriage after being tested with three theories of truth, the results are obtained: 1) According to the coherence theory, Muhammadiyah's interpretation is considered incorrect because it is inconsistent in conveying propositions through the logic of its thinking and inconsistent between the contextual approach used in the interpretation explained in the "Preface" with the practice of interpretation. 2) Based on correspondence theory Muhammadiyah is considered lacking in applying the theory. 3) Meanwhile, according to the theory of pragmatism, Muhammadiyah's interpretation is considered incorrect because it cannot provide answers to the problems faced by Indonesian society today.


Keywords: Interfaith Marriage, Thematic Interpretation, Muhammadiyah



How to Cite

Maulida, F., Achris Achsanudtaqwin, & Rif’atur Roifah. (2023). PERNIKAHAN BEDA AGAMA (Tafsir Tematik Alquran Tentang Hubungan Sosial Antar-Umat Beragama Karya Muhammadiyah). JIPSKi: JOURNAL OF EDUCATION SCIENCE AND ISLAMIC STUDIES, 1(1), 57–74. Retrieved from


