About the Journal

Nahdlatul Lughah: Journal of Applied Arabic Linguistics is a journal for developing the value of Arabic instruction in an institution or organization. This journal welcomes the high-quality manuscripts from severeal project in the scope of Research on Arabic teaching and learning, Evaluation, design, or development of curriculum in Arabic Education, Study on language skills which include: listening, speaking, reading, writing, Translating, and The implementation of Technology in Arabic Instruction. This journal received the scientific paper from lecturers, teachers and students from all over the world. It is expected that the Nahdlatul Lughah  can increase the desire to write paper article and also develop the spirit of Arabic Education. Formerly Nahdlatul Lughah publisher was a higher education, based on the Department of Arabic Education, STAI KH. Muhammad Ali Shodiq, Indonesia which was available at https://ejournal.stai-mas.ac.id/index.php/pba