NAHDLATUL LUGHAH: JOURNAL OF APPLIED ARABIC LINGUISTIC <p><strong>Nahdlatul Lughah: Journal of Applied Arabic Linguistics</strong> is a journal for developing the value of Arabic instruction in an institution or organization. This journal welcomes the high-quality manuscripts from severeal project in the scope of Research on Arabic teaching and learning, Evaluation, design, or development of curriculum in Arabic Education, Study on language skills which include: listening, speaking, reading, writing, Translating, and The implementation of Technology in Arabic Instruction. This journal received the scientific paper from lecturers, teachers and students from all over the world. It is expected that the Nahdlatul Lughah can increase the desire to write paper article and also develop the spirit of Arabic Education. Formerly Nahdlatul Lughah publisher was a higher education, based on the Department of Arabic Education, STAI KH. Muhammad Ali Shodiq, Indonesia.</p> en-US [email protected] (Choiruddin, M.Pd.) [email protected] (Ana Durrotul Hikmah, M.Pd.) Sat, 12 Aug 2023 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 EVALUASI PEMBELAJARAN BAHASA ARAB DI PERGURUAN TINGGI BERBASIS PESANTREN <p>Secara fungsional, bahasa juga termasuk budaya yang digunakan masyarakat disuatu tempat. Untuk berbahasa yang baik diperlukan pembelajaran. Pembelajaran&nbsp; Bahasa sendiri membutuhkan evaluasi untuk mengetahui sejauhmana Bahasa dapat dipelajari oleh peserta didik. Model Stake termasuk salah satu model yang digunakan untuk mengevaluasi pembelajaran Bahasa Arab. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui antecedents, proses, dan output dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Arab di perguruan tinggi. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Sumber data diperoleh dari dokumentasi pada pembelajaran Bahasa Arab. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa antecedents, proses dan output dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Arab cukup sesuai dengan standar yang sudah ditetapkan diawal sebelum pembelajaran, sehingga evaluasi dengan model Stake dimungkinkan dapat diberlakukan pada pembelajaran Bahasa Arab dilingkungan Perguruan Tinggi.</p> Zayyin Mukmila, Nailia Izza Choirina Copyright (c) 2023 Zayyin Mukmila, Nailia Izza Choirina Tue, 25 Jul 2023 00:00:00 +0000 ابتكار منهج اللغة العربية بالمدرسة الثانوية على أساس النظرية البنائية <p>The curriculum used in each educational institution is a guideline that contains a description in general terms about the fine points of the learning material that must be implemented by educational institutions through teachers and students in an atmosphere of learning. The Arabic language as a compulsory subject in the madrasah aliyah should have a curriculum to suit the needs and challenges of the times. Arabic language curriculum must emphasize the importance of communicative and scientific approach in learning, because both approaches can accommodate the language learners practice and theoretically. Constructivism become part of current curriculum innovation. This theory emphasizes the importance of building knowledge gained with the sturdy cognition through communicative and interactive learning experiences between teachers and students in the school environment. In the Arabic language curriculum innovation, this theory gives the principles should be implemented including the following; physical learning material knowledge, knowledge of mathematical logic that are structural or based on norms of knowledge is studied, and the social sciences that emphasized the importance of communicative interaction in diverse environments.</p> Imroatus Solikah, Muhammad Syukron Baihaqi Copyright (c) 2023 Imroatus Solikah, Muhammad Syukron Baihaqi Tue, 25 Jul 2023 00:00:00 +0000 تطبيق نظرية التعليم الإنساني في تعليم اللغة العربية <p>The process of education that focuses on cognitive aspects only and does not seem to care about other aspects of the student's potential, such as social and spiritual potential. Therefore, there is a need for a humanistic approach that is claimed to be able to accommodate all the potentialities that surround students. This paper aims to reveal the application of humanistic theory in learning the Arabic language. Based on the studies conducted, learning Arabic with a humanistic approach aims to make students master the Arabic language, which in turn can be used as a study tool in the field of science and practical social life. Teaching materials should also contain problematic elements that are both human and divine. In addition, in humanistic learning, teachers are also required to possess personal, social and professional competencies. Many scholars have developed humanistic methods of language teaching, namely the guided teaching method or community language teaching method, the silent method, and the total physical suggestion and response method or comprehension approach. This method of language teaching can be used as an alternative method for teaching the Arabic language.</p> Hanik Shofa Mardiyah, Yunus Khoirul Fuad, Munna Rahmi Khoirunisa' Copyright (c) 2023 Hanik Shofa Mardiyah, Yunus Khoirul Fuad, Munna Rahmi Khoirunisa' Tue, 25 Jul 2023 00:00:00 +0000 EVALUASI KETERAMPILAN MENULIS BAHASA ARAB (MAHARAH KITABAH) BERDASARKAN KURIKULUM MERDEKA BELAJAR <p>Today, learning to write is mostly presented in the form of theory, not much practice of writing. Writing skills that are not matched by practice are one of the factors that make students less skilled at writing. Writing skill (<em>maharah al-kitabah</em>) is the highest skill of the four language skills. Moreover, writing in Arabic must pay attention to aspects of <em>al-qawaid</em> (<em>nahu</em> and <em>sharf</em>), <em>imla'</em> and <em>khat</em>. The presence of the Independent Learning curriculum is a breath of fresh air for the world of education. Among the focuses of the Independent Learning curriculum innovation is on the evaluation aspect of learning. Writing this article aims to find out the evaluation of learning Arabic writing skills (<em>maharah kitabah</em>) in the Independent Learning Curriculum. The method used in this research is library research. The results of this study indicate that the assessments in Independent Learning are more directed at continuous assessments such as observation, performance, projects, written tests, oral tests, assignments, and portfolios (group assignments, written work, practicum, and so on). This kind of assessment is called an authentic assessment and is very relevant to be applied to learning writing skills (maharah kitabah).</p> Anis Zunaidah, Sufiyani Nur Mawaddah, Isnaini Khoirotun Ni’mah Copyright (c) 2023 Anis Zunaidah, Sufiyani Nur Mawaddah, Isnaini Khoirotun Ni’mah Tue, 25 Jul 2023 00:00:00 +0000 تحليل السجع في سورة النور على دراسة بديعية <p>Al-Saj’ is the equation of two or more sentences ending with the same sound, and is divided into three types, namely Muthorrof, Mutawazzi, and Murasha. This study discusses the various types of Al-Saj 'in Surat An-Nur to find out its aesthetic. The method used in this study was a descriptive qualitative with the object of Surah An-Nur verses 1-64. The results of this study showed that in Surah An-Nur there are two types of Al-Saj’, namely Al-Saj’ Muthorof as many as 4 Al-Saj’, and Al-Saj’ Mutawazzi as much as 10 Al-Saj’. The aesthetic of Al-Saj’ in Surah An-Nur was in the pronunciation of lafadz at the end of the same verse and that makes Al-Saj’ sound beautiful when sung.</p> Choiruddin Choiruddin, Dihyatal Ahmadi Copyright (c) 2023 Choiruddin Choiruddin, DIHYATAL AHMADI Tue, 25 Jul 2023 00:00:00 +0000 THE VIRTUAL LEARNING BASED ON CHARACTER EDUCATION IN ARABIC SUBJECTS <p>During the Covid-19 pandemic, the internalization of character education values ​​in Arabic Education instruction was forced to adapt and undergo various changes, both planning, design, implementation to assessment, and the shifting of the functions of teachers and parents. This article aims to find out the implementation of character education in Arabic Education during the Covid 19 pandemic at elementary schools. The research was conducted at MTs Aswaja Ngunut, Tulungagung. This research was a qualitative descriptive approach. The data collection method done with depth interview, participant observation, and documentation. The results of this research showed that the character education of students in Arabic Education instruction was carried out online using the Zoom Meet platform and WhatsApp group. The religious character is instilled by praying together before and after learning, practicing Dhuha prayer at home, online <em>tadarus </em>together, and instilling the values ​​of tolerance in learning. The students are given independent or group assignments to instill an attitude of independence and cooperation. The teacher instilled the importance of the characteristics of the Prophet such as <em>shiddiq, tabligh, amanah</em>, and <em>fathonah</em> to instill integrity. And students are also taught how to love culture and the homeland as a form of nationalism. Arabic Education teachers and parents collaborate and strengthen each other's roles in supporting the strengthening of character education values ​​as long as students carry out learning from home.</p> Ana Durrotul Hikmah, Siti Henik Luluk Badriyah, Ahmad Ridwan Copyright (c) 2023 Ana Durrotul Hikmah Section Editor, Siti Henik Luluk Badriyah, Ahmad Ridwan Tue, 25 Jul 2023 00:00:00 +0000